Sunday, December 28, 2008

What Will I Miss?

Yesterday we had an interested buyer view our house. And then they came back to view it again later in the day.
The realtor believes they are very interested, and might make an offer on the house as early as today or tomorrow.
We've had enough lookers to get our hopes up, and then waltz away for one reason or another. So after one episode of sitting on the kitchen floor and crying (that was last year) I've determined not to get my hopes up too much until we know it's going to happen.
Flashback: That one particular time...we just KNEW they wanted the house. They said so. They were going to pay cash too! And then they didn't. They met a friend down the street at the clubhouse and got to talking to them... and were convinced that they didn't really want to be on our street - the main drag through the Country Club. Wouldn't they rather live in the "inner compound" nestled among more trees and closer neighbors? The house they then looked at - and bought - wasn't even for sale, but the friend knew that it might sell if there was an interested buyer!
Yes... that one brought my inexperienced, naive, little house selling soul to the kitchen floor for a good old fashioned cry. If you've never wept on the floor of your kitchen, I'd highly recommend it. Very cathartic! Here's the scene of the crime... just to the left of the fridge is where the victim collapsed:
Which brings me back to today. I'm trying to keep my emotions under the radar, so to speak. These lovely people may decide that our house isn't what they are looking for.
And that will be ok. I'm clinging to the promise God makes to always care for me. And... my goodness, has He done that? WAY over the top on the blessings scale.
I've been thinking though, what will I miss most about this house? So here's a quick list:
1. Living in a house that Rick and I built together - that's top of the list. He proposed in the breakfast nook - before the foundation was even poured. 2. The kitchen. Our future Farmhouse kitchen isn't "open" to the other rooms. 3. The warmth in the winter. Farmhouse is cold and drafty. 4. Neighbors. We have fun, lively people on our street. Farmhouse has about 2000 neighbors, all 6 feet under. My parents being the exception. 5. View of the golfcourse. See picture below. The "Farmhouse view" sure can sound picturesque, um... ok, just go with that. So it sounds like there aren't many reasons to move, right? That's when I need to remind myself of why we're doing this:
1. Live more simply. It's easy to get caught up in the crowd of "keeping up with the Jones'." 2. Cut out the 30 mile commute and replace with a 30 second commute. 3. Live mortgage free. Duh... who wouldn't do that? 4. Pay off debts & Invest in future. aka: kids college, retirement, future dreams 5. Live closer to my aging and mentally incapacitated parents.
Ok that last one was just for fun. I couldn't resist. JUST KIDDING, MOM & DAD! Love you!
I guess whether we stay here for a bit longer, or end up moving to Athens, there are good things to cherish. I have to remind myself everyday that where I am today is where I need to be for today. I need to live like that, intentionally, and not wish my days away.

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