Monday, December 8, 2008

Weekend roundup

Well - a busy weekend it was! Friday night we took the Chicken Pot Pie over to the neighbor's house. (a follow-up from Friday's blog.) We were both feeling rather guilty and saddened that 2 weeks had gone by before we knew of Wanda's passing. But God took our shortcomings and worked them for the best. While visiting with Glenda and the kids, she shared with us that the day had been one the rougher ones she'd experienced since her mom's death. During the days immediately following Wanda's passing, there were plenty of people coming by, bringing food, wanting to share memories, etc. But now that things are settling back to normal with her schedule, it seems that life has resumed for everyone else as well. That's when grief can hit the hardest. She told us that she believed it was God's perfect plan that sent us over to her that very night. Wow - talk about feeling redeemed! In our fast-paced life, we missed Wanda's final healing. But God worked that out and allowed us to share a moment with Glenda when she needed it the most. Is that not cool? Ok, so that was Friday night. On to Saturday. Christmas lights went up on the house, but I already shared the picture of Collin doing the "grasshopper" yoga pose on the roof. Thank God he didn't fall! Saturday night we drove to Craig and Carolyn's. A fun evening with Mexican Train, mom's Chicken Spaghetti, and hanging curtains. Check out this video below. Rick and Craig both thought I was holding up the camera for a still-shot photo. However, I had the video rolling instead. It's hysterical! (Mom, you have to click on the "play" arrow to make it play.) One of the highlighs that evening (besides the laughing) was getting to hear about Craig's work through Crosstrainers. In particular, his ministry to men in prison, and those recently released. I'm so proud of him, and inspired by his passion for standing by these men and investing in their lives. Sunday afternoon... I accompanied the youth group on a roller-skating adventure in Tyler. In the picture below I am trying to stand up. The picture isn't the best, but it does prove that I was upright for some of the time. Tonight we're staying in Athens at the Farm House. I'm sure there will be some sort of adventure to report on later...

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