Saturday, August 9, 2008

The One That Got Away, Theatre, Vacuum Cleaners and Gold Medals

Today has been uber-busy. Rick and Taylor are spending the weekend at a lake cabin for their "last fling" before college. So I had the opportunity to have a day completely dedicated to my pursuits! I was pretty disciplined this morning, waking up to coffee, a pilates workout and running a mile. Then, I headed to Dallas. But first, a picture of 'da boys fishing. Rick e-mailed the photo to me...I wasn't actually invited to participate in the weekend. Looks like Taylor's doing alright for himself! In Dallas, I met up with Craig and Carolyn for lunch. Yummy Taco's at Taco Diner in West Village. Then Carolyn and I took in the play "Coco and Gigi" as part of the Festival of Independent Theatres. It was.... unique. Definitely talented actors, that's for sure. Then we headed to NorthPark Mall and hit Bath & Body Works for their 5 for $15 sale! As we were heading out of the mall, the aroma of Starbucks wafted our way, beckoning us to drop in for a mocha frappacino... Yum. Next stop, Craig joined us at Bestbuy where my gift card assisted in the welcoming of a brand new vacuum cleaner into my family. Who-hoo. Life doesn't suck afterall (ok, bad pun.)

A stop at Barnes and Noble topped off the afternoon before I headed back to East Texas. Craig and Carolyn - if you're reading this, I am so grateful that you embrace your little sister so welcomingly ANYTIME! I always feel loved unconditionally by you two. What a gift God's given me in a sister-in-law like Carolyn and a big bro like Craig!

Next stop...I picked up Collin and we dropped in at Tim and Tiffany Lilly's abode (the Lillypad.) The Cowboys first pre-season game was the excuse to gather, but the real highlight of the evening was watching Michael Phelps take the Gold and break the World Record (his record.) The pic below is from their TV room as Phelps accepted the medal.

In an overwhelming moment of patriotic pride, we all rose to sing the National Anthem at the top of our lungs as Phelps received the Gold. From left to right: Tim, Tiffany, Collin. And that's been the day. Of course, I didn't mention how green with envy I am that my parents sailed away on an Alaskan cruise today... Hence the green text today.

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