Saturday, March 7, 2009

Saturday morning

I stumbled upon this in the garage this morning.
It's a work in progress, from the master-mind of Collin (aka the Collinator). He hates that name, but I think it's fitting.
I'll post the finished picture later, so you can see what he's been creating. It's impressive.
My household awoke earlier than usual on a Saturday morning. That's well enough, as it's a beautiful and warm day outside.
Rick's about to tackle the yard while I work on controling the weed population. Collin, with his broken collarbone, gets to enjoy the sofa for a while...
The week has been busy - and I wanted to write all week, but just haven't had the time. And now that I do, I'm not sure what to write about.
SO: here's an off-the-cuff rendition of what's going through my head. Boredom alert: You may want to cease reading at this point!
1. I need to go grocery shopping. But don't really want to.
2. The doggie stinks. Bath-time? Nah... don't really want to.
3. I feel like exercising. Maybe I can combine it with weed-pulling.
4. Can't wait for vacation. I'm so proud of Rick and the President's Club award. Napa Valley, here we come!
5. Need a new book to read. I like to read several at once, depending on my mood. Right now, I would like to find a good mystery to read.
6. May get together with Craig & Carolyn today. Need to get plans firmed up.
Ok - I'm rambling, so out the door I go to pull some weeds.

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