Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Golf Tourney

Yesterday was the culmination of another year's planning for the Annual Red Hot "18" Tournament benefitting the Cedar Creek Lake Area Chamber of Commerce. We had a great turnout of 21 teams. Held at the Cedar Creek Country Club, we were back in our old neighborhood for the day. Above, Rick and Taylor pause before putting at #17. This was the hole that Tiffany and I were monitoring, just in case someone got a hole in one. If they did, they would win a golf cart. Rick claims he made it, but I guess our heads were turned! Here is Charles and Twina... looking as cute as can be. Those two always look happy!
Below, Tiffany is returning with treats for the two of us. Watching a hole can be hard work, and we were famished!
Here is the presentation of awards. I was proud of the entire team that pulled it off! Tim is in the blue shirt, and Robbye in the pink & Judy is in the blue, sitting down with her back to the camera.
And... if you would like to see Rick and Taylor, putt the #17, click on the play button below.

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