Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Here we go again...

We signed another contract on the house last night. I guess I should be excited about it, and I am, deep down. But after the let down previously, I'm really trying to keep my emotions in check. It's not over till it's over, right? Any number of things could go wrong related to the financing portion for our buyers. This whole process has been sobering to us. I've realized how the market decline has really impacted the contract price that we were able to secure. Here are a couple of pictures from the construction of our house. This picture was taken on construction Day 4, May 16, 2003. It's one of my favorite pictures! Look how little our boys are! They are so cute! This picture was taken on Day 14 of the house being built, May 26th, 2003. On to other things... We leave on Thursday morning for a "Presidents Club" trip that Rick earned with our Merchant Services business. We're looking forward to a long weekend in Napa Valley, California. And the quaint inn where we are staying looks very sweet and romantic! It's a long way from right now to tomorrow when we board the aiplane. Lots to do, packing, wrapping up things at work, youth group tonight, etc.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember when the photos were taken. I hope your contract goes through this time. Best of luck on that! Have a great time in Napa Valley. I'll bet it is just beautiful! Miss you guys!