Saturday, April 4, 2009

Contract Pending!

Well, It Happened! This past week has been incredibly busy and exciting! We have finalized the contract on our house, set a closing date (soon!) and are getting ready for the Home Inspection. It happened on April Fool's Day - which had me cautiously watching over my shoulder, waiting on someone to jump out and shout "April Fool's!" This is Saturday morning - and while we are enjoying our Saturday Morning Ritual, my mind is reeling of all we need to do. Closing is set for Wednesday April 29. That's 25 days away. They take possession that day as well, and we leave the next day for President's Club (GO RICK!) in Napa Valley. Everything I look at in this house begs the question "to keep or not to keep?" I've never been more aware in my life than now of the "things" that clutter my life. There is so much that I've accumulated and don't need, it gets overwhelming. It's especially hard to get rid of those things that I've had since childhood. Sentimentality kicks in, and even though I have no place to store all of those little things, I just can't get rid of them. For instance: Snoopy and Belle and all of their cute little clothes. I've had those dolls since I was a little girl, and even though they've lived in my attic for years, I can't bear to get rid of them. Or the little baby doll rocker and the antique school desk? These things take up room, but they are sentimental. And yet, I have no desire to haul around stuff in life that I will never need or use. It's just that I worry about regretting the decision to get rid of it. So... that's where I am today. Trying to decide what to keep and what to give away.


Shelley said...

You better not get rid of Snoopy and Belle! If they need a new home they can come stay w/ their Aunt Shelley! :o)

Anonymous said...

Trust me...there is a lot you can live without. Yes, we still have our home and yes, there is a lot of "stuff" there. But having lived 2+ years in less than 400 s/f I am learning that I can live quite nicely with very little. The basics really are enough.

Barbara Taylor
Hot Springs Village, AR
but on the road full-time in an RV