Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Lord's Acre

It's been almost a week since my last post... what happened to the time? Our weekend was dedicated to celebrating Lord's Acre at our church. This is an exciting annual event that includes a silent auction, live auction, kid's activities, BBQ lunch, country store, and many other fun things. The proceeds from it are given to our Youth and Children's program at church. Each year, we raise close to $30,000 to fund the Mission Trips and activities that our Youth and Children participate in. This year, we hit close to $35,000! Forgive the red hue on the picture below, but the glow of the tent really makes it hard to get a good picture. The House of Hope in Honduras, our trips to the homeless on the streets of Fort Worth, and various mission trips all year long benefit from this event. A professional auctioneer runs the live auction... and boy, does it go fast! We have a team that sits at the front behind the auctioneer to record the winning bid number and price. I work on that team, and Rick's role was to help display the items as the auction proceeded. So that's what we've been up to. In other news: 1. Still in post-vacation depression. It's so hard to get back into the swing of things when you have such a wonderful vacation. We're still wearing our "All-Inclusive" bracelets from the beach in Cozumel... Just can't bear to cut them off. I know it's silly, but when I remove it, I'll have to admit that vacation really is OVER. I think it will have to be in the midst of supportive friends to ease in the transition. :) Here's a picture of my bracelet! 2. House did not sell to the couple that was so interested. They decided to build instead of buy. I wonder if they realize just how "motivated" the sellers really are? I must admit that I'm fighting some anxious feelings regarding this. It's one thing to say: "God, you are in control, and when it's time to move, You'll take care of the details." It's another thing to say it and not doubt. I mean, I do believe... but sometimes I find myself wondering why He doesn't hurry up? There's a scripture that says: "Lord, I believe. Help me in my unbelief." That's me today. And yesterday. And probably tomorrow. 3. Dick Kannwischer is doing better. Thanks for praying for him. I don't know that they have discovered the reason he fainted, but the broken ribs are on their way to healing. He is still in pain... so keep praying for pain management. I'm in a hurry to make it to Wednesday night Youth Group, so I'll post this without proofing it. Forgive any typo's...

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