Thursday, May 6, 2010

** For FUMC Newsletter Readers **

**For FUMC Newsletter Readers**
As you may know, Rick and I are part of a larger team serving 42 inmates at Beto Unit next weekend. 

Last week, I printed out some copies of my previous blog posting to mail to our out-of-town friends and to hand to some friends at church.

The piece I printed inadvertently ended up being included in our church newsletter (hence, you found your way to this blog.) And while the facts included in the article are accurate, it was not written with the intent of the newsletter publication.

I wrote it from my personal perspective, about Rick and me participating in Kairos, and it was "exclusive" to the Browns.

The piece that WAS intended for the newsletter would have listed all of the team-members, and was much more "inclusive" of the entire team experience and our church support of this ministry.

The other team members from FUMC Mabank are:
Sharon & Kenny Underriner, Sherry Nash, Debbie Wrinkle, Tyson Johnson, and Bonnie Turner. 

Kenny and Sharon have been the heartbeat of Kairos at FUMC. They have poured their time, resources, and leadership into this particular ministry because they feel called to serve in this way.

Sherry, Debbie, Tyson and Bonnie are also integral to the team, and each of them are so very important to me!  They each feel passionately about sharing God's love with these men and I am honored to serve with them.

I have shed tears over this. I did not intend for it to happen....and I sincerely hope that my fellow team-mates do not feel slighted in any way. I will speak with them in private, but wanted my church family to know my heart in this matter. 

Thank you for understanding,

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