Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A little of this and a little of that...

(Note: I've had major formatting problems with this post. If there are lots of extra spaces, unexplained white spots, etc... forgive me! But I'm done with trying to get it to look right!) Last night we watched the Cowboys win over at the Lilly's. I was lucky to have some good cuddle time with Cade.

And with Rowdy, too!

It was such fun hanging out with the gang although we missed the others in our Cowboy Gang that couldn't join in last night.

Sunday night, Rick and I were "servants" at a Prodigal Son feast that my parents hosted at their home. Their church is studying a book called "The Prodigal God" and to kick off the study, each small group is treated to a "feast" that is provided by the leaders of the group. This feast is representative of the feast that the father gave for his son when he returned home, as told in the Bible. It was a huge spread, and mother slaved for days over the preparations. Everything turned out fabulous... with the exception of the rolls. Thank God we had a backup plan (crescent rolls!)

Rick played the perfect role of the French Waiter, complete with accent. I don't have any really good pictures of his outfit, as they are all on mom's camera. But his bowtie and glasses were perfect! I was so grateful that he carried the weight of the serving, because I'm just not very good at it! I kept tripping over my own feet, forgetting the drink orders, etc. But it was a successful evening, and I think that all of the guests enjoyed the dinner, the discussion, and the fellowship.

Rewind to Saturday - Cedar Creek Cleanup Day! Whoo-hoo! We had so much fun with the Chamber Team. There were 5 of us that donned our vests and gloves and hiked the roadway picking up trash. But in all, there were over 350 people that participated in the day. Each team picked a spot to clean up, then we all gathered at the Park for lunch, games, and prizes. It was refreshing to see so many adults and children out doing their part to keep our Lake Area and roadways clean.

Here is our team: Jo Ann, Rick, Sharon, me, Dorene. Rick was our token male.
When we saw this road sign, we wondered if it was put up just for us!

And the job did get stinky. Can you believe people throw out dirty diapers on the side of the road???

Next topic:
I've been following a blog by a team at The Village Church that has traveled to Kenya. As it turns out, the brother of one of my high school friends is on this trip. Here is the link, if you are interested.

They are working at a hospital, and it's interesting and encouraging to follow along on their trip. I've been giving alot of thought to Kenya lately, about the poverty, health crisis, orphans, lack of clean water, hunger, the list goes on.

Sometimes it's overwhelming to wonder why I was born into a country with so much wealth. We have SO much, even those that have little, have SO much in comparison. Who knows... maybe we were born into our present situation for the exact reason of sharing our resources with those that have little? Thoughts to ponder...