Friday, May 23, 2008

Who me, blog?

Well - I decided to give this a whirl again... the "blog thing." Who ever came up with that word anyway? There's been alot going on in our lives, and so it might be fun to keep an online journal of our life. Short summary: Taylor is graduating highschool! Can't believe it - we are so proud of him. He is responsible, intelligent, quick-witted (he gets that from his dad!) and cares about others. It's sad that he's leaving the nest, but I'm so excited for him! UNT - watch out, here comes Taylor Brown! Collin goes into 9th grade next year. He's growing up! One of the smartest kids I know - really, I think he's going to do something amazing with his life... like find the cure to cancer or invent a revolutionary invention that saves the planet... or something. We're trying to sell our house and move into Granny and Granddad's 100 year-old farmhouse on the Cemetery land... It will put us next door to work, and we'll be able to save some money and invest it in others' lives. We want to live more freely (debt free) and support things that we believe in.

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